

Episodes from The Meditation Course Podcast

What is Witness Consciousness? - Podcast Episode

Podcast Episode on The Loving Awareness Meditation Course Podcast. Witness Consciousness is where we move away from the incessant narratives of the mind and into a place of calm, still awareness. The meditations and talk are an exploration of this.

Understanding Stress

Understanding Stress is the first class in the 7 Steps to Resilience and Stress Management Series (free to the public). This class was taught today in Bromley at the Tuesday Lunchtime Meditation Class.

Reclaim Your Mind - Podcast Episode

This is the mental training you need to learn, and practice, to release your mind from the incessant narrative that is invading it from every device and even through our peers.

Illusion - Podcast Episode

There is a difference between what we perceive and what we believe. It is easily demonstrable with some simple exercises that we will do today. The modern Mind is enslaved by the thoughts that result from how you feel. Learn how to break the cycle...