Weekly Insights - 1 September, 2024

weekly insights - September 1, 2024

This week's topics:

  • Self-Compassion
  • The Parable of the Chinese Farmer
  • The Science of Resilience

The Parable of the Chinese Farmer

A story about Equanimity

Follow the link to read the article:

The Parable of The Chinese Farmer
An ancient story about equanimity.


Self-compassion can be a life-changing realisation

🌟 Self-compassion is a key to emotional wellbeing that many people deny or struggle with. We can be our harshest critics, setting impossible standards and blaming ourselves when we fall short.

🌈 Self-compassion is not an emotion. It is the drive to diminish our own suffering. We cab readily offer compassion to others, yet fail to apply to ourselves.

✈️ At the start of a flight, we are instructed to put our oxygen masks on first if we are responsible for someone else. We need the oxygen to support our loved ones. In practice, we will starve ourselves of the oxygen of time and energy in our daily lives.

🌱 We need to build the habit self-compassion one practice at a time.🌱 

🔍 Research shows that self-compassion can be cultivated through specific practices and meditations. With time and patience, we can break down the inner resistance to prioritising our health and energy..

🌺 Self-compassion isn’t self-indulgence or selfishness. It’s an essential skill for navigating life’s inevitable challenges with wisdom and care. We will build the resilience we need to deal with life’s difficulties through self-compassion.

🤗 If you struggle with self-compassion, realise that you’re not alone. Like any skill, it can be developed with practice. Start with small acts of kindness towards yourself, and build from there. Remember, you deserve care and understanding, too, not just from others but from yourself.

📝 How do you practice self-compassion in your own life? Share your tips and experiences in the comments!

The Science of Resilience

Follow the Link to read the article on this site:

The Science of Resilience
An insight into the science of resilience and the practices that go with it.

Which topics would you like me to cover in future insights and posts? Leave your ideas in the comments below. 👇



#meditation, #resilience and #mindfulness teacher (I’ve taught about 3,000 classes). Founder of @bromleymindfulness and @themeditationcourse
London, England.