Understanding Stress
Understanding Stress is the first class in the 7 Steps to Resilience and Stress Management Series (free to the public). This class was taught today in Bromley at the Tuesday Lunchtime Meditation Class.
The Sympathetic Nervous System is one way that our brain transmits the stress response to our body.
From these chemical and neural signals, we can feel our body respond with uncomfortable emotions.
This is known as the stress response.
In our busy and high-pressure world, this can become a big part of our lives.
In this podcast, recorded at the Tuesday meditation class in Bromley, I teach a series of interventions that regulate our stress levels and explain how they work.
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The Loving Awareness Meditation Course: Understanding Stress - Class 1 of the 7 Steps to Resilience and Stress Management Series on Apple Podcasts
Show The Loving Awareness Meditation Course, Ep Understanding Stress - Class 1 of the 7 Steps to Resilience and Stress Management Series - 19 Apr 2022
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