The Role of The Mind in Growth and Resilience - On Podbean

At 8 pm tonight 9 June 2021 on YouTube and Podbean...
There is a process where we can become closer to a consistent personal truth.
It is accessible to all of us but without the tools that meditation brings we could probably never use it.
It just gets used as an external modern world toolkit.
Like everything of real value in our lives, it is clear and simple and we wonder why we haven't thought of it, used it ourselves etc.
In this class, I shall take you through this process and lead some meditations that help you to work with this area of the mind.
*Note - I'm going to try a little experiment with tonight's class which is to make the show available on YouTube and Podbean live stream.
for the YouTube version I will only hand out the link to paid members of The Meditation Course.
The public will be able to listen on the Podbean live stream, but it won't be saved publicly and the recording will only be accessible to members of the meditation course on YouTube or on Podbean.
On Podbean Live

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