The Power of Kincentricity: Bridging the Divide and Embracing Our Common Humanity

Weekly Insight for w/c 15 May.

Every so often, a  new perspective emerges that captures the collective human imagination. This is the case with kincentricity -- the realisation that all living beings are interconnected members of a single family. At the heart of this realisation is the recognition that we are all deeply dependent on our living planet which is our source of food, shelter, water and the oxygen in the air we breathe.

Kincentricity is a revolutionary perspective that transcends societal divisions and fosters a sense of connection with our living planet and each other.

The Essence of Kincentricity

The concept of kincentricity, although a newly used term, is an ancient concept. Kincentricity encapsulates the intrinsic belief of many indigenous cultures that humans, animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like mountains and rivers are interrelated, sharing a collective spirit or essence. This belief fuels an attitude of deep respect and stewardship for our environment, an acknowledgement that the harm we inflict upon nature inevitably reverberates back onto us.

Kincentricity invites us to recognise that we are all made from and all rely on the same living energy. We all drink from the same water, breathe the same air, and draw nourishment from the same earth. Our lives are woven together in a complex tapestry of interdependent relationships.

Kincentricity: A Bridge Across Divides

Kincentricity is not only about the connectedness of humans with nature but also about fostering unity amongst ourselves. In a world fraught with divisions along lines of race, caste, culture, nationality, and religion, kincentricity urges us to perceive our shared humanity. Kincentricity reminds us that we all share the same fundamental needs, desires, and fears beneath our superficial differences.

The adoption of this worldview can be transformational for the individual and for society. It will enable a collective shift away from division and towards greater mutual understanding and empathy. By recognising our shared roots in nature and our shared experience of being human, we can create a more compassionate and equitable society.

The Journey to Kincentricity

The journey to a kincentric worldview begins within each of us. It requires us to be fully present and to connect deeply with our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Mindfulness can play a key role in this process. By grounding ourselves in the present moment, we can open a pathway for identification and acceptance of the patterns of thought, emotion, and behaviour that might appear foreign but all spring from the same root of our shared humanity.

Being aware of our inner experiences helps us understand others. We can learn to see past the social constructs of identity, to the shared human experience that lies beneath. Through this lens, behaviours and emotions that might have previously seemed alien can become relatable. We see others not as strangers or adversaries, but as fellow members of this vast interconnected family of living beings.

Rekindling our Connection with Nature and Each Other

Our modern world creates disconnection, both from our environment and from each other. A kincentric worldview is a powerful antidote. It rekindles our natural bond with nature and helps us rediscover the beauty of our shared human experience.

By acknowledging our interconnectedness, we can break down the walls that divide us. We can learn to respect and protect our environment, knowing its well-being is intrinsically tied to our own. We can build empathy and understanding towards others. We can recognise that their struggles and triumphs are merely reflections of our own.

Kincentricity is an invitation to remember a profound truth: we are all part of the single global family of all living beings. And when we truly understand and embrace this truth, we can release our minds from the prison of the illusion of separation.