Purpose and Meaning

Livestreamed on Instagram and Podbean at 10 am, Saturday 9 October London time. In-person at Contingent Works in Central Bromley.

Having purpose and meaning have been identified as important factors in personal wellbeing.

Learn how meditation and mindfulness can help to bring a sense of purpose.

Join us for a short talk and some meditations.

On Podbean

Purpose | Podbean Livestream
Modern life can feel pointless at times but there are still parts of the world where a sense of unselfish purpose is a foundation of the culture.How does meditation and mindfulness help to bring a sense of purpose?A short talk and some meditations.

On Instagram


In-Person in Central Bromley at Contingent Works


contingent.works is Bromley's first boutique co-working community. An inspiring space that enables start-ups, home workers and professionals to get work done.