Our First Outside Broadcast!

Live-Stream from Chantry Studios at 1:15 pm today, 18 May 2021 - our first day back

Hi Everyone,
Today I shall run a little experiment  in live streaming from an outside location at the first face-to-face class on our return after lockdown. 😱😱😱

Although the connection from Chantry Studios isn’t great, I will  try to run a YouTube live-stream of my class from there.

If there are connectivity issues, I shall instead run it on Podbean.

If I can’t connect with either of these then it is as it is…

I will only respond to messages in WhatsApp.

Feel free to join us.

On YouTube

On Podbean

Podbean doesn't let me connect via my app to a show so there is no link.
You will have to connect via the app by going here, following me and they and connecting to the live show that I will start.

The Loving Awareness Meditation Course
Formerly The 2020 Meditation Podcast. Welcome to my Podcast. The Podcast is a set of meditation classes, talks and interviews. I am Robert Mitchell. I am a meditation and mindfulness teacher in London, England. The course website is at lovingawareness.fm If you *only* want meditations, visit “Th…