Open Awareness and Meditating in Nature: New Podcast Episode

Open Awareness and Meditating in Nature: New Podcast Episode

After our meditation and nature connection retreat on Saturday, I decided to run a class on the meditations we did in nature.

Connection in nature is all about opening up. We need to relearn how to open to the natural environment. We need to slowly let in all the sensations, smells, and sounds that become part of the totality of the present-moment experience, which is what mindfulness is. 

Nature promotes mindfulness, and experiencing mindfulness connects us to nature.

To experience this, we need to learn open awareness meditations.

In this class, I teach a process of incrementally opening our awareness.

Although this is an important part of nature connection, it's also an important part of life experience rather than existing in a sensory bubble on autopilot, which is what our culture teaches us to do.

Listen to the podcast on your favourite podcast app:

โ€ŽThe Meditation Course Podcast: Open Awareness and Meditating in Nature on Apple Podcasts
โ€ŽShow The Meditation Course Podcast, Ep Open Awareness and Meditating in Nature - 20 May 2024

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#meditation, #resilience and #mindfulness teacher (Iโ€™ve taught about 3,000 classes). Founder of @bromleymindfulness and @themeditationcourse
London, England.