Mindfulness, Meditation, Growth and Wellbeing in the world of the Pandemic - New Podcast Episode

Podcast Episode - Recording of a class I taught in the park recently.
The class is an introduction to the tools, techniques, and practices we can use to help us reconnect effectively from the separation we have all experienced.
This sort of enforced separation leads to trauma which must be healed.
We can heal through reconnection to the present moment, our bodies, others and nature.
This class is focused on body meditations and working with difficult feelings by connection to the body.
Conveniently there is a source of irritation during the class for us to work with!
I have started adding my podcasts to my Bromley Mindfulness Loving Awareness YouTube channel.
See below.
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โThe Loving Awareness Meditation Course: Mindfulness, Meditation, Growth and Wellbeing in the world of the Pandemic on Apple Podcasts
โShow The Loving Awareness Meditation Course, Ep Mindfulness, Meditation, Growth and Wellbeing in the world of the Pandemic - Jun 20, 2021

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