Meditation, Growth, and Wellbeing

Livestreamed on Podbean at 1.15 pm London time, Monday June 1.

At a time of adversity such as the moment, it's important to recognise the challenges that we encounter are also our source of growth.

There is a concept known as post-traumatic growth which is well known and accepted in psychology and in those professions that deal with trauma and traumatised people.

Meditation, mindfulness, resilience training, stress management, and emotional regulation are all techniques and practices that we can learn to help us not only code but also thrive.

This will be the topic for this month.

In this class I shall introduce the concept and begin on a journey of teaching the resilience techniques that we can learn which help us cope and thrive and grow.

Growth and Wellbeing | Podbean Livestream
Join our Podcast - Public Broadcast.1 June, 2021.