Meditating on Emptiness

8 pm, Tuesday 7 December 2021 - London Time

*Note that this class is public on Podbean but also private on Zoom for paid subscribers of The Meditation Course. I shall send out the Zoom link to the paid subscribers shortly.

Meditating on Emptiness

At the heart of most Buddhist meditation practice is a focus on finding emptiness through meditation.

Experiencing a sense of emptiness is an inevitable part of the journey of meditation.

Unfortunately, some students find this warm blanket experience a bit to comfort inducing.

There is a sense of great achievement because the mind has become calm and emotion has been neutralised.

However, this is simply part of the path of meditation. When we complete our practice, we must return to the everyday world with all of its challenges. For many of us, these challenges are rooted within us.

In this class, I shall describe my personal experience with emptiness, stillness, and calmness as an experience during meditation and how I have learned that it is perceived by many meditators and meditation teachers.

On Podbean

Meditating on Emptiness | Podbean Livestream
In this class, I shall describe my personal experience with emptiness, stillness, and calmness as an experience during meditation and how I have learned that it is perceived by many meditators and meditation teachers.