Mandala Meditation

Mandala meditation is an ancient Eastern wisdom tradition practice that builds mindful awareness by focusing on geometric patterns. The intricate designs of mandalas often symbolise deep meanings, but the foundation of the practice is a pure, focused attention meditation.

Practising Mandala Meditation

Begin by softly focusing your gaze on the mandala’s centre. As you meditate, your gaze will blur—this is normal. As in breathing meditation, you gently return your focus to the central single point when your mind wanders. This cycle of focusing, mind wandering, and refocusing is the foundation of focused attention meditation. In that respect, there is very little difference from following the breath.

Mandalas as Teaching Aids

Mandalas are integral to Hindu and Buddhist traditions. In Tibetan Buddhism, the creation and subsequent destruction of sand mandalas emphasises the impermanence of the cycle of life.

Mandala designs also include dharma (instruction) elements that meditators embed in their memories through familiarity as they spend time focusing on the mandala.

Extend Your Practices With Mandala Meditation

Mandala meditation offers new and experienced meditators an alternative approach to their usual meditation practice. 

  • Choose a mandala that works for you.
  • Find a quiet spot.
  • Explore the visual path to focused attention meditation.