Connection to Nature and The Cycle of Life - New Podcast Episode

A class from the Loving Awareness Meditation Course
In this class, I explain how the awareness of the experience of the present moment through mindfulness meditation leads us to an understanding of the cycle of life.
Each breath and each moment is a cycle which connects us to nature in many ways.
This reconnection is critical to releasing the suffering of the modern world and the modern mind.
These unhelpful concepts and beliefs block our connection to nature and to others which is our natural heritage.
Also underlying our connection is a recognition of the nature of impermanence. Becoming comfortable with this is a liberation.
10 minute talk and 30 minutes of meditation.
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The Loving Awareness Meditation Course on Apple Podcasts
Formerly The 2020 Meditation Podcast. Welcome to my Podcast. The Podcast is a set of meditation classes, talks and interviews. I am Robert Mitchell. I am a meditation and mindfulness teacher in London, England. The course website is at If you *only* want meditations, visit “Th…

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