
The purpose of meditation is to become familiar with the mind.

We can only become familiar with the mind by observing it and we can only observe the mind from a conscious and aware present moment.

Tuning in to our minds and bodies

To understand the nature of the mind, we must be open to the thoughts and feelings which are messages from the mind and body. Our culture teaches us to avoid or suppress this stream of messages by constantly seeking distraction, escapism, comfort and pleasure.


Acceptance is allowing ourselves to feel however we feel in the present moment.

Meditation helps us build a bridge between mindfulness and acceptance. With acceptance we can become fully open to thoughts, feelings, images, and symbols. All of this is possible from within a calm, still present moment.

To observe our mind operating, we must be present and aware and only then can we then choose the focus of our single attention.

This is meditation.



#meditation, #resilience and #mindfulness teacher (I’ve taught about 3,000 classes). Founder of @bromleymindfulness and @themeditationcourse
London, England.